
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Will of Fire

I sometimes get this burning fury deep down inside of me to just do art.   I would conjure up a ruff draft then clear it with some digital black ink.  Normally my next step, is to get on Photoshop and cleverly filling in the nooks and cranny’s with a palette of tasty colors.  Through this ordeal, I am ZOMBIFIED. I gaze and wonder, stare even, at the wonders my “Will of Fire" has become.

On this piece is the American Bruce Lee. His will to become a great actor has inspired me to illustrate him as an example to the topic of the article. Although a small dude he was seemed huge at sometimes. In the foreground is a charge up fire if you will for good old Bruce getting ready to deliver his final blow. The belt buckle on his waste shows that he used to belong to Leaf Village. Which brings you to this my ZEDHEADS, so lend me your ear…eye’s :)

After the first great war of  Konohagakure, the village was at piece and was slowly re-building. During this time, warriors were need to train the new Genin’s. Ty-Jutsu at the time was not concerted to important in the Ninja World, but a young man named Bruce Lee inherited a Ty-Jutsu that was meant to spread to the woman of the Leaf Villiage, but after finding how the Leaf treated people that had no ability to create a Jutsu, he decided to flee with the forbidden Jutsu. He would then later become one of the greatest Martial Artist that the world has ever seen. Starring in Movies and creating his own fighting style that everyone can use, "Jeet Kune Do

Here it is in Black and White

Well I hope you all enjoyed this piece as much as I enjoyed creating it. Tell next time :)


Gyll le Mod said...

Yo this is to dope.

Ultimate DinoBoy said...

I can hear him doing a scream just through that drawing. Nice.

zodcore said...

I totally poses the WILL!