
Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Great Start Over!

Greetings ZEDHEADS! I know what your thinking...WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!.... (Well a least I hope that's what your thinking)

Every now and then you must face an obstacle. It's not there to hender your strive but to motivate you.  Quitting is not an option in the world of art.  I had a huge battle in my hands a couple of months ago, I'm referring to "A PC MELTDOWN"! My PC was on its last leg...and crooked :( Because of that, I may have lost most of my art work. It was a bumber, but I knew the princlple of not giving up on what you love to do.

Now back and stronger than ever with new ideas and new art to share, so lets get started!

Every now and then I get to do some promo art for musicians, this member belongs to the group SILENT HAND.  He had a new single he was putting out and need my help to promote it. 

On this pic, he's standing next to (what I was told) a locally famous house where a lot of his peeps hang out at. The MC stands near a door where there's a bear trap in front of it. The trap signafies the name of the song, "They Want In". The light coming from the right of him is an explosion in the background. The lighting of the explosion a couple of feet away gives it a nice effect.  As you can see he has a faithful dog sitting next to him noticing the flash of light .

I made the entire piece black and white with different grey hues by request from the MC. The entire piece was done on my iPad which is a little rare, cause normally I would do the coloring on my PC.

Here it is in black and white.

I hope you ZEDHEADS are pumped as I am on bringing you this new piece. Full steam ahead so be on the look out for some more awesome art  from yours truly.



Ultimate DinoBoy said...

I'm really liking the shadowy effect to the right, my friend :D

Skateboard haven said...

Nice dude this looks cool.

Kevin Dorival @Courage2Believe said...

That's whats up. I like this my brother. I think we should finally get together. I'm glad you text me because I got an idea.

zodcore said...

Glad everyone liked it :)