
Monday, January 6, 2014

Two for One

Greetings Zedheads. On the first quarter of the year 2014 and its starting off awesome! Animate  (one of my favorite cons) is right around the corner and its gonna be a blast. But before that, I would love to show you some sweet Anime of my own. These characters should be familiar too you ZEDHEADS because I'm always drawing them. Not only do they star in there own comic book, The Taskmasters,(Written by Lisa Ford)  but there on there own viral show . The Taskmasters is rated 'M' for mature audience only, so if your under 18 please get permission from your parents or a respectful adult before watching or purchasing this content. 

The ladies you see before you has gone through a couple of transformations, but I must say this could be there final draft on what they would look like on the years to come. On the left is Spyda, very smart and quick with quirky words, but yet not someone to take likely. An ex-model so she doesn't mind showing off some skin.

The one on the right is Sin(Assassin)  She's the tactician of The Taskmasters. Everything her group knows on offense and defense was manifested by her mind. Her beauty how ever was gift to throw off her opponents in any situation. 

I made the background a simple gradient to keep the focus on the beauty of the ladies. 

Here it is in black and white.

Well I hope everyone enjoyed this piece as much as I enjoyed creating it. Next stop, ANIMATE CON, hope to see you ZEDHEADS there, PEACE :)


1 comment:

Gyll le mod said...

I like the pose assail is doing, very cool.